About Us

DDV Technologies (DDV) provides the Softdate date and time simulation software and services solutions. With Softdate, applicatrion programs and systems can be rolled into the future, into the past and now by Softdate automated Quality Assurance processes, enabling error-free operations. Recently, organisations had date and time logic errors at the turn into 2020 because their applications were not time-travel tested.

Softdate clients use IBM Mainframes and a wide mixture of systems such as iSeries (AS400), Linux, Unix and Windows. This provides DDV a unique position of knowing what is required in time-travel simulation at the deepest cumputer systems level and at the highest degree in each business enterprise. These organizations range across both public and private such as regional and national governments, banking, finances, health, insurances, IT, manufacturing, resources, telecommunications, travel, and more.

We enable you to derive positive contributions to your bottom line whilst protecting your data, business, assets and your people; now, into the future and into the past. Deployment of our products is easy and we have customer references that use our solutions on Microsoft Windows, iSeries, IBM mainframes and the wide variety of Linux and Unix systems all-the-time, at the local through the global level.

Our consultancy capabilities are comprehensive and DDV staff work on a regular basis with large organizations and dynamic medium-size companies. Consulting services are provided in a virtual and physically on-the-ground manner.

DDV and its partners provide very serious solutions in managing and improving Service Level Agreements and take on tasks with medium to large organizations that have a blend of outsourced and insourced IT and Risk Management.

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is real management where you associate your business strategy with potential risks and then focus on your primary risks, be it unwelcome intrusion by human behaviour, natural catastrophes or overrun IT projects which are costing you time and money. Using Softdate, makes QA great!

DDV’s DevOps-friendly Softdate assists your efforts in architecture and service level agreements; Accuracy, Availability, Innovation, Integrity, Performance, Scalability, Security, Sustainability, Robustness, Recovery and Go-to-market with Strategic Transformation.

Contact DDV Technologies Pty Ltd

Email sales@ddvtechnologies.com

Suite 11, 635 Pittwater Road, Dee Why, NSW 2099 Australia